Sunday 26 September 2010

Have a look at these examples of digital Multiple Images - - -

Wendy McMurdo
Mostly work with children which seems to suggest internal relationships.

Paul M Smith
You might recognise a famous face here, again and again..... Ask yourself what Paul M Smith achieves by using the same person repeatedly.  What does it suggest about Robbie Williams personality?  What does it suggest about soldiers in war?

Adam Green
This photographer uses multiple image to create an absence rather than to add a person.  What effect does this absence have?

Shauni did a very good job of interpreting this brief.  Being interested in fashion photography she created a whole atmosphere of fantasy for her model.  Scroll down to multiple images on:

The following is a link to an old blog of mine.  I was interested in the kids running around trying different things in the garden and hoping to create an impression of the frenetic activity.

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