Sunday 26 September 2010

SAVING FILES and duplicates

Saving files.
Save your files in your user area in Noah Scratch.
I advise you to also save your pictures on a memory stick (which you keep very safe!).

Save the originals.  You don't want to loose these and you always need your original copies so when you work on them I suggest you make a duplicate AND save the duplicate.

To open a picture (file) in Photoshop:
Open Photoshop
Go to:
- File
-choose file and open

To duplicate, go to:
-give your file a new name - I usually take of the first letters and leave it with the number so I can tell instantly if it is the original or copy, for instance:
_MG_2440       I would change to:

REMEMBER that now you have a new file open (the duplicate) but it is NOT saved.  Go to:
-save as
- you could choose here to make a 'New Folder' of duplicates.

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