Saturday 29 October 2011

How to make a poster using Photoshop

  • It's best to go to 'windows' and open 'layers' and 'history'.
History will allow you to see what you have done and delete the step before.
Layers will allow you to switch from picture to picture.

  • Open all the files (or pictures) that you will be using in Photoshop.  
You can highlight and drag or if you are in Photoshop already then go to file - open.

  • Choose which file you are putting the pictures into.  
Make sure it is portrait shape not landscape.  You can check the size of your files by going to : Image  - image size.

  • To select something from one image to put in another there are a number of select tools.  
These are third down from left on tool bar.  You could choose: Lasso tool, Polygonal Lasso tool or Magnetic Lasso tool.  To make adjustments go to 'select' in the horizontal tool bar.

  • To move an object from one file to another.  
After you have selected click on move tool (top tool) - go to file copy - and then click on object and drag from one file to another.
  • To resize or change 
Go to  'edit' - 'transform' resize etc ...

  • Neaten up your image by using the Eraser tool 
It looks like a rubber and is half way down vertical tool bar.
  • To add TEXT 
Click on the 'T' in the vertical tool bar then click on the picture.  This will automatically open up a new layer. You can adjust the size, font and shape by going to 'edit' and transform'.

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